[{ "id": "1", "discovery": "Electrochemical series and battery", "scientist": "Alessandro Volta", "year": "1800" }, { "id": "2", "discovery": "Teleological evolution", "scientist": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck", "year": "1802" }, { "id": "3", "discovery": "Atomic Theory", "scientist": "John Dalton", "year": "1805" }, { "id": "4", "discovery": "Carnot cycle", "scientist": "Carnot", "year": "1824" }, { "id": "5", "discovery": "Ohm's law", "scientist": "Georg Ohm", "year": "1827" }, { "id": "6", "discovery": "Avogadro's law", "scientist": "Amedeo Avogadro", "year": "1827" }, { "id": "7", "discovery": "Non-Euclidean geometry", "scientist": "Nikolai Lobachevsky", "year": "1830" }, { "id": "8", "discovery": "Electromagnetic induction", "scientist": "Michael Faraday", "year": "1831" }, { "id": "9", "discovery": "First enzyme, diastase", "scientist": "Anselme Payen", "year": "1833" }, { "id": "10", "discovery": "Measure of stellar parallax", "scientist": "Friedrich Bessel", "year": "1838" }, { "id": "11", "discovery": "Doppler effect", "scientist": "Christian Doppler", "year": "1842" }, { "id": "12", "discovery": "First law of thermodynamics", "scientist": "James Prescott Joule", "year": "1843" }, { "id": "13", "discovery": "Anesthesia", "scientist": "William Morton", "year": "1846" }, { "id": "14", "discovery": "Planet Neptune", "scientist": "Johann Gottfried Galle and Heinrich Louis d'Arrest", "year": "1846" }, { "id": "15", "discovery": "Absolute zero", "scientist": "Lord Kelvin", "year": "1848" }, { "id": "16", "discovery": "Theory of evolution", "scientist": "Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace", "year": "1859" }, { "id": "17", "discovery": "Germ theory", "scientist": "Louis Pasteur", "year": "1861" }, { "id": "18", "discovery": "Mendel's laws of inheritance", "scientist": "Gregor Mendel", "year": "1865" }, { "id": "19", "discovery": "Entropy", "scientist": "Rudolf Clausius", "year": "1865" }, { "id": "20", "discovery": "Periodic table", "scientist": "Dmitri Mendeleev", "year": "1869" }, { "id": "21", "discovery": "Diffuse sky radiation", "scientist": "Lord Rayleigh", "year": "1871" }, { "id": "22", "discovery": "Theory of electromagnetism", "scientist": "James Clerk Maxwell", "year": "1873" }, { "id": "23", "discovery": "Crookes tube", "scientist": "William Crookes", "year": "1875" }, { "id": "24", "discovery": "Phase rule", "scientist": "Josiah Willard Gibbs", "year": "1876" }, { "id": "25", "discovery": "X-rays", "scientist": "Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen", "year": "1895" }, { "id": "26", "discovery": "Radioactivity", "scientist": "Henri Becquerel", "year": "1896" }, { "id": "27", "discovery": "Electron", "scientist": "J.J. Thomson", "year": "1897" }, { "id": "28", "discovery": "Planck's law of black body radiation", "scientist": "Max Planck", "year": "1900" }]