var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, settings);
Name | Type | Default |
columnDelimiter | String | "\t" when datatype is "tab" and "," when datatype is "csv" |
Determines the column delimiter when the data source is 'tab' or 'csv'. The default value for 'tab' is '\t' and the default value for 'csv' is ','. |
datafields | Array | [] |
An array describing the fields in a particular record. Each datafield must define the following members:
data | Object | {} |
Data to be sent to the server. The expected value is JSON Object. Code example
datatype | String | String |
The data's type. Possible values: 'xml', 'json', 'jsonp', 'tsv', 'csv', 'local', 'array', 'observablearray'. |
type | String | "GET" |
The type of request to make ("POST" or "GET"), default is "GET". |
id | String | "" |
A string containing the Id data field. |
localdata | Array or String | [] |
You can set the |
mapChar | String | ">" |
Determines the mapping char used to specify the data field's mapping. By default it is '>'. In the following code, if the mapChar was set to '.', we should use '.' instead of '>' to specify the fields map. Code examplevar data = [{ "empName": "test", "age": "67", "department": { "id": "1234", "name": "Sales" }, "author": "ravi"}];// prepare the datavar source ={ datatype: "json", datafields: [ { name: 'empName' }, { name: 'age' }, { name: 'id', map: 'department>id' }, { name: 'name', map: 'department>name' }, { name: 'author' } ], localdata: data};var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source); |
rowDelimiter | String | "\n" |
Determines the rows delimiter when the data source is 'tab' or 'csv'. The default value is '\n'. |
root | String | "" |
A string describing where the data begins and all other loops begin from this element. Code examplevar source ={ datatype: "xml", datafields: [ { name: 'ShippedDate', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShippedDate', type: 'date' }, { name: 'Freight', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:Freight', type: 'float' }, { name: 'ShipName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShipName' }, { name: 'ShipAddress', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShipAddress' }, { name: 'ShipCity', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShipCity' }, { name: 'ShipCountry', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShipCountry' } ], root: "entry", record: "content", id: 'm\\:properties>d\\:OrderID', url: 'orders.xml'};XML <entry> <id></id> <title type="text"></title> <updated>2011-12-01T11:55:06Z</updated> <author> <name /> </author> <link rel="edit" title="Order" href="Orders(10248)" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Customer" href="Orders(10248)/Customer" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Employee" href="Orders(10248)/Employee" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="Order_Details" href="Orders(10248)/Order_Details" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Shipper" href="Orders(10248)/Shipper" /> <category term="NorthwindModel.Order" scheme="" /> <content type="application/xml"> <m:properties> <d:OrderID m:type="Edm.Int32">10248</d:OrderID> <d:CustomerID>VINET</d:CustomerID> <d:EmployeeID m:type="Edm.Int32">5</d:EmployeeID> <d:OrderDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-07-04T00:00:00</d:OrderDate> <d:RequiredDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-08-01T00:00:00</d:RequiredDate> <d:ShippedDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-07-16T00:00:00</d:ShippedDate> <d:ShipVia m:type="Edm.Int32">3</d:ShipVia> <d:Freight m:type="Edm.Decimal">32.3800</d:Freight> <d:ShipName>Vins et alcools Chevalier</d:ShipName> <d:ShipAddress>59 rue de l'Abbaye</d:ShipAddress> <d:ShipCity>Reims</d:ShipCity> <d:ShipRegion m:null="true" /> <d:ShipPostalCode>51100</d:ShipPostalCode> <d:ShipCountry>France</d:ShipCountry> </m:properties> </content> </entry> <entry> <id></id> <title type="text"></title> <updated>2011-12-01T11:55:06Z</updated> <author> <name /> </author> <link rel="edit" title="Order" href="Orders(10249)" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Customer" href="Orders(10249)/Customer" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Employee" href="Orders(10249)/Employee" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="Order_Details" href="Orders(10249)/Order_Details" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Shipper" href="Orders(10249)/Shipper" /> <category term="NorthwindModel.Order" scheme="" /> <content type="application/xml"> <m:properties> <d:OrderID m:type="Edm.Int32">10249</d:OrderID> <d:CustomerID>TOMSP</d:CustomerID> <d:EmployeeID m:type="Edm.Int32">6</d:EmployeeID> <d:OrderDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-07-05T00:00:00</d:OrderDate> <d:RequiredDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-08-16T00:00:00</d:RequiredDate> <d:ShippedDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-07-10T00:00:00</d:ShippedDate> <d:ShipVia m:type="Edm.Int32">1</d:ShipVia> <d:Freight m:type="Edm.Decimal">11.6100</d:Freight> <d:ShipName>Toms Spezialitäten</d:ShipName> <d:ShipAddress>Luisenstr. 48</d:ShipAddress> <d:ShipCity>Münster</d:ShipCity> <d:ShipRegion m:null="true" /> <d:ShipPostalCode>44087</d:ShipPostalCode> <d:ShipCountry>Germany</d:ShipCountry> </m:properties> </content> </entry> |
record | String | "" |
A string describing the information for a particular record. Code examplevar source ={ datatype: "xml", datafields: [ { name: 'ShippedDate', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShippedDate', type: 'date' }, { name: 'Freight', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:Freight', type: 'float' }, { name: 'ShipName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShipName' }, { name: 'ShipAddress', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShipAddress' }, { name: 'ShipCity', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShipCity' }, { name: 'ShipCountry', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ShipCountry' } ], root: "entry", record: "content", id: 'm\\:properties>d\\:OrderID', url: 'orders.xml'};XML <entry> <id></id> <title type="text"></title> <updated>2011-12-01T11:55:06Z</updated> <author> <name /> </author> <link rel="edit" title="Order" href="Orders(10248)" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Customer" href="Orders(10248)/Customer" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Employee" href="Orders(10248)/Employee" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="Order_Details" href="Orders(10248)/Order_Details" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Shipper" href="Orders(10248)/Shipper" /> <category term="NorthwindModel.Order" scheme="" /> <content type="application/xml"> <m:properties> <d:OrderID m:type="Edm.Int32">10248</d:OrderID> <d:CustomerID>VINET</d:CustomerID> <d:EmployeeID m:type="Edm.Int32">5</d:EmployeeID> <d:OrderDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-07-04T00:00:00</d:OrderDate> <d:RequiredDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-08-01T00:00:00</d:RequiredDate> <d:ShippedDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-07-16T00:00:00</d:ShippedDate> <d:ShipVia m:type="Edm.Int32">3</d:ShipVia> <d:Freight m:type="Edm.Decimal">32.3800</d:Freight> <d:ShipName>Vins et alcools Chevalier</d:ShipName> <d:ShipAddress>59 rue de l'Abbaye</d:ShipAddress> <d:ShipCity>Reims</d:ShipCity> <d:ShipRegion m:null="true" /> <d:ShipPostalCode>51100</d:ShipPostalCode> <d:ShipCountry>France</d:ShipCountry> </m:properties> </content> </entry> <entry> <id></id> <title type="text"></title> <updated>2011-12-01T11:55:06Z</updated> <author> <name /> </author> <link rel="edit" title="Order" href="Orders(10249)" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Customer" href="Orders(10249)/Customer" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Employee" href="Orders(10249)/Employee" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="Order_Details" href="Orders(10249)/Order_Details" /> <link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="Shipper" href="Orders(10249)/Shipper" /> <category term="NorthwindModel.Order" scheme="" /> <content type="application/xml"> <m:properties> <d:OrderID m:type="Edm.Int32">10249</d:OrderID> <d:CustomerID>TOMSP</d:CustomerID> <d:EmployeeID m:type="Edm.Int32">6</d:EmployeeID> <d:OrderDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-07-05T00:00:00</d:OrderDate> <d:RequiredDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-08-16T00:00:00</d:RequiredDate> <d:ShippedDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">1996-07-10T00:00:00</d:ShippedDate> <d:ShipVia m:type="Edm.Int32">1</d:ShipVia> <d:Freight m:type="Edm.Decimal">11.6100</d:Freight> <d:ShipName>Toms Spezialitäten</d:ShipName> <d:ShipAddress>Luisenstr. 48</d:ShipAddress> <d:ShipCity>Münster</d:ShipCity> <d:ShipRegion m:null="true" /> <d:ShipPostalCode>44087</d:ShipPostalCode> <d:ShipCountry>Germany</d:ShipCountry> </m:properties> </content> </entry> |
url | String | "" |
A string containing the URL to which the request is sent. |
settings |
async | Boolean | true |
By default, all requests are sent asynchronously (i.e. this is set to true by default). If you need synchronous requests, set this option to false. When the binding is "asynchronous", the data binding operation occurs in parallel and the order of completion is not guaranteed. |
autoBind | Boolean | false |
Determines whether the jqxDataAdapter's dataBind method is called automatically when the dataAdapter is initialized. |
beforeSend | function | null |
A pre-request callback function that can be used to modify the jqXHR.
Code examplevar dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, { beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); } });
beforeLoadComplete | function | null |
A callback function which is called before the data is fully loaded. The function gets passed two arguments: The loaded records. The second argument is the original data. If the function returns an array, the dataAdapter's records field will be set to it.
Code example// prepare the datavar data = new Array();var firstNames =[ "Andrew", "Nancy", "Shelley", "Regina", "Yoshi", "Antoni", "Mayumi", "Ian", "Peter", "Lars", "Petra", "Martin", "Sven", "Elio", "Beate", "Cheryl", "Michael", "Guylene"];var lastNames =[ "Fuller", "Davolio", "Burke", "Murphy", "Nagase", "Saavedra", "Ohno", "Devling", "Wilson", "Peterson", "Winkler", "Bein", "Petersen", "Rossi", "Vileid", "Saylor", "Bjorn", "Nodier"];var productNames =[ "Black Tea", "Green Tea", "Caffe Espresso", "Doubleshot Espresso", "Caffe Latte", "White Chocolate Mocha", "Cramel Latte", "Caffe Americano", "Cappuccino", "Espresso Truffle", "Espresso con Panna", "Peppermint Mocha Twist"];var priceValues =[ "2.25", "1.5", "3.0", "3.3", "4.5", "3.6", "3.8", "2.5", "5.0", "1.75", "3.25", "4.0"];for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) { var row = {}; var productindex = Math.floor(Math.random() * productNames.length); var price = parseFloat(priceValues[productindex]); var quantity = 1 + Math.round(Math.random() * 10); row["firstname"] = firstNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * firstNames.length)]; row["lastname"] = lastNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * lastNames.length)]; row["productname"] = productNames[productindex]; row["price"] = price; row["quantity"] = quantity; row["total"] = price * quantity; data[i] = row;}var source ={ localdata: data, datatype: "array"};var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, { beforeLoadComplete: function (records) { records[0]['firstname'] = "Michael"; return records; } }); |
contentType | String | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" |
Use this option, If you want to explicitly pass in a content-type. |
formatData | function | null |
A callback function which is called before the data is sent to the server. You can use it to fully override the data sent to the server. If you define a Code example// prepare the datavar source ={ datatype: "jsonp", datafields: [ { name: 'countryName', type: 'string' }, { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, { name: 'population', type: 'float' }, { name: 'continentCode', type: 'string' } ], url: ""};var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, { formatData: function (data) { data.featureClass = "P"; = "full"; data.maxRows = 50;data.username = "jqwidgets"; return data; } }); |
loadError | function | null |
A callback function called when the request has failed.
loadComplete | function | null |
A callback function which is called when the data is fully loaded. Function arguments: records(Array) |
loadServerData | function | null |
A callback function which allows you to manually handle the ajax calls through the jqxDataAdapter. The function gets passed three arguments: The data to be sent to the server, the source object which initializes the jqxDataAdapter plug-in and a callback function to be called when the ajax call is handled. Code examplevar dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source,{ loadServerData: function (serverdata, source, callback) { $.ajax({ dataType: source.datatype, url: url, data: serverdata, success: function (data, status, xhr) { var xmldata = xmldata || $(source.root + " " + source.record, data); if (!xmldata) { xmldata = []; } var dataArray = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < xmldata.length; i++) { var record = xmldata[i]; var datarow = {}; for (var j = 0; j < source.datafields.length; j++) { var datafield = source.datafields[j]; var value = ''; if (undefined == datafield || datafield == null) { continue; } if ( { value = $(, record).text(); } // searches by both selectors when necessary. if (value == '') { value = $(, record).text(); } datarow[] = value; } dataArray[dataArray.length] = datarow; } // send the loaded records to the jqxDataAdapter plug-in. callback({ records: dataArray }); } }); }});
processData | function | null |
A callback function which allows you to modify the default data object sent to the server. Code example// prepare the datavar source ={ datatype: "jsonp", datafields: [ { name: 'countryName', type: 'string' }, { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, { name: 'population', type: 'float' }, { name: 'continentCode', type: 'string' } ], url: ""};var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, { processData: function (data) { data.featureClass = "P"; = "full"; data.maxRows = 50; data.username = "jqwidgets"; } }); |
Methods and Properties |
beginUpdate | function | |
Begins data update operation and prevents any future data binding operations. |
dataBind | function | |
Performs a data bind operation. Code example<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <title id='Description'>Data Adapter bound to XML data.</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../scripts/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxcore.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jqwidgets/jqxdata.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { var url = "customers.xml"; // prepare the data var source = { datatype: "xml", datafields: [ { name: 'CompanyName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:CompanyName' }, { name: 'ContactName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ContactName' }, { name: 'ContactTitle', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ContactTitle' }, { name: 'City', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:City' }, { name: 'PostalCode', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:PostalCode' }, { name: 'Country', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:Country' } ], root: "entry", record: "content", id: 'm\\:properties>d\\:CustomerID', url: url }; var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, { loadComplete: function () { // get data records. var records = dataAdapter.records; var length = records.length; // loop through the records and display them in a table. var html = "<table border='1'><tr><th align='left'>Company</th><th align='left'>Contact</th><th align='left'>City</th><th align='left'>Country</th></tr>"; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var record = records[i]; html += "<tr>"; html += "<td>" + record.CompanyName + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + record.ContactName + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + record.City + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + record.Country + "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; } html += "</table"; $("#jqxWidget").html(html); } }); dataAdapter.dataBind(); }); </script></head><body class='default'> <div id='jqxWidget' style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Verdana;"> </div></body></html> |
endUpdate | function | |
Ends data update operation. You can call the method passing |
Returns |
formatDate | function | |
Returns a Formatted JavaScript Date object as a String. Function arguments: value(JavaScript Date object), format(String) and calendar(Object)
Code exampledataAdapter.formatDate(new Date(), 'D')
formatNumber | function | |
Returns a Formatted Number as a String. The
Code exampledataAdapter.formatNumber(10, 'c2')
getRecordsHierarchy | function | |
Returns a hierarchical array from a set ot flat data. The method has 4 parameters, the last 2 of which are optional. The first parameter is the field’s id. The second parameter represents the parent field’s id. These parameters should point to a valid ‘datafield’ from the Data Source. The third parameter which is optional specifies the name of the ‘children’ collection. The last parameter specifies the mapping between the Data Source fields and custom data fields. Code examplevar data = [{ "id": "2", "parentid": "1", "text": "Hot Chocolate", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "3", "parentid": "1", "text": "Peppermint Hot Chocolate", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "4", "parentid": "1", "text": "Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "5", "parentid": "1", "text": "White Hot Chocolate", "value": "$2.3"}, { "text": "Chocolate Beverage", "id": "1", "parentid": "-1", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "6", "text": "Espresso Beverage", "parentid": "-1", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "7", "parentid": "6", "text": "Caffe Americano", "value": "$2.3" }, { "id": "8", "text": "Caffe Latte", "parentid": "6", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "9", "text": "Caffe Mocha", "parentid": "6", "value": "$2.3" }, { "id": "10", "text": "Cappuccino", "parentid": "6", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "11", "text": "Pumpkin Spice Latte", "parentid": "6", "value": "$2.3" }, { "id": "12", "text": "Frappuccino", "parentid": "-1"}, { "id": "13", "text": "Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino", "parentid": "12", "value": "$2.3" }, { "id": "15", "text": "450 calories", "parentid": "13", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "16", "text": "16g fat", "parentid": "13", "value": "$2.3" }, { "id": "17", "text": "13g protein", "parentid": "13", "value": "$2.3"}, { "id": "14", "text": "Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino Light", "parentid": "12", "value": "$2.3" }]// prepare the datavar source ={ datatype: "json", datafields: [ { name: 'id' }, { name: 'parentid' }, { name: 'text' }, { name: 'value' } ], id: 'id', localdata: data};// create data adapter.var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);// perform Data Binding.dataAdapter.dataBind();var records = dataAdapter.getRecordsHierarchy('id', 'parentid', 'items', [{ name: 'text', map: 'label'}]);The above code returns an Array object which has 3 items. Each item has id , parentid , label , value and items fields. The sub-items are stored in the items array.
getGroupedRecords | function | |
Returns a hierarchical array from a set ot flat data. The method has 4 parameters. The first parameter is an array of grouping fields. The second parameter is the sub items collection name. The third parameter is the group's name. The last parameter specifies the mapping between the Data Source fields and custom data fields. Code examplevar source ={ datatype: "xml", datafields: [ { name: 'CompanyName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:CompanyName' }, { name: 'ContactName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ContactName' }, { name: 'ContactTitle', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ContactTitle' }, { name: 'City', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:City' }, { name: 'PostalCode', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:PostalCode' }, { name: 'Country', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:Country' } ], root: "entry", record: "content", id: 'm\\:properties>d\\:CustomerID', url: "../sampledata/customers.xml", async: false};// create data adapter.var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);// perform Data Binding.dataAdapter.dataBind();var records = dataAdapter.getGroupedRecords(['Country', 'City'], 'items', 'label', [{ name: 'CompanyName', map: 'label' }]); |
getGroupedRecords | function | |
Returns a hierarchical array from a set ot flat data. The method has 4 parameters. The first parameter is an array of grouping fields. The second parameter is the sub items collection name. The third parameter is the group's name. The last parameter specifies the mapping between the Data Source fields and custom data fields. Code examplevar source ={ datatype: "xml", datafields: [ { name: 'CompanyName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:CompanyName' }, { name: 'ContactName', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ContactName' }, { name: 'ContactTitle', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:ContactTitle' }, { name: 'City', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:City' }, { name: 'PostalCode', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:PostalCode' }, { name: 'Country', map: 'm\\:properties>d\\:Country' } ], root: "entry", record: "content", id: 'm\\:properties>d\\:CustomerID', url: "../sampledata/customers.xml", async: false};// create data adapter.var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);// perform Data Binding.dataAdapter.dataBind();var records = dataAdapter.getGroupedRecords(['Country', 'City'], 'items', 'label', [{ name: 'CompanyName', map: 'label' }]); |
getAggregatedData | function | |
Returns an Array of Aggregated data. var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);dataAdapter.dataBind(); var summaryData = dataAdapter.getAggregatedData([ { name: 'quantity', aggregates: ['min', 'max', 'sum'] }, { name: 'price', aggregates: ['avg', 'product', 'count'] } ]); The getAggregatedData method accepts 3 params. The first parameter is an array which defines the data fields, type of functions and format strings. Possible Numeric formats: "d" - decimal numbers. "f" - floating-point numbers. "n" - integer numbers. "c" - currency numbers. "p" - percentage numbers. For adding decimal places to the numbers, add a number after the formatting string. For example: "c3" displays a number in this format $25.256 Possible Date formats: // short date pattern d: "M/d/yyyy", // long date pattern D: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy", // short time pattern t: "h:mm tt", // long time pattern T: "h:mm:ss tt", // long date, short time pattern f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt", // long date, long time pattern F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", // month/day pattern M: "MMMM dd", // month/year pattern Y: "yyyy MMMM", // S is a sortable format that does not vary by culture S: "yyyy\u0027-\u0027MM\u0027-\u0027dd\u0027T\u0027HH\u0027:\u0027mm\u0027:\u0027ss" Possible Date format strings: "d"-the day of the month; "dd"-the day of the month; "ddd"-the abbreviated name of the day of the week; "dddd"- the full name of the day of the week; "h"-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 1 to 12; "hh"-the hour, using a 12-hour clock from 01 to 12; "H"-the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 0 to 23; "HH"- the hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23; "m"-the minute, from 0 through 59; "mm"-the minutes,from 00 though59; "M"- the month, from 1 through 12; "MM"- the month, from 01 through 12; "MMM"-the abbreviated name of the month; "MMMM"-the full name of the month; "s"-the second, from 0 through 59; "ss"-the second, from 00 through 59; "t"- the first character of the AM/PM designator; "tt"-the AM/PM designator; "y"- the year, from 0 to 99; "yy"- the year, from 00 to 99; "yyy"-the year, with a minimum of three digits; "yyyy"-the year as a four-digit number; The supported aggregates are: 'avg' - Average aggregate 'count' - Count aggregate 'min' - Min aggregate 'max' - Max aggregate 'sum' - Sum aggregate 'product' - Product aggregate 'stdev' - Standard deviation on a sample 'stdevp' - Standard deviation on a population 'var' - Variance on an a sample 'varp' - Variance on an entire population. The following code shows how to specify the data formatting when calling the getAggregatedData method. var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source); dataAdapter.dataBind(); var summaryData = dataAdapter.getAggregatedData([ { name: 'quantity', aggregates: ['min', 'max', 'sum'], formatStrings: ['n', 'n', 'n' ]}, { name: 'price', aggregates: ['avg', 'sum', 'count'], formatStrings: ['c2', 'c2', 'n'] } ]); The second parameter is optional and represents a localization object specified in this format: var calendar = { // separator of parts of a date (e.g. '/' in 11/05/1955) '/': "/", // separator of parts of a time (e.g. ':' in 05:44 PM) ':': ":", // the first day of the week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc) firstDay: 0, days: { // full day names names: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], // abbreviated day names namesAbbr: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], // shortest day names namesShort: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"] }, months: { // full month names (13 months for lunar calendards -- 13th month should be "" if not lunar) names: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ""], // abbreviated month names namesAbbr: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ""] }, // AM and PM designators in one of these forms: // The usual view, and the upper and lower case versions // [standard,lowercase,uppercase] // The culture does not use AM or PM (likely all standard date formats use 24 hour time) // null AM: ["AM", "am", "AM"], PM: ["PM", "pm", "PM"], eras: [ // eras in reverse chronological order. // name: the name of the era in this culture (e.g. A.D., C.E.) // start: when the era starts in ticks (gregorian, gmt), null if it is the earliest supported era. // offset: offset in years from gregorian calendar {"name": "A.D.", "start": null, "offset": 0 } ], twoDigitYearMax: 2029, patterns: { // short date pattern d: "M/d/yyyy", // long date pattern D: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy", // short time pattern t: "h:mm tt", // long time pattern T: "h:mm:ss tt", // long date, short time pattern f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm tt", // long date, long time pattern F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", // month/day pattern M: "MMMM dd", // month/year pattern Y: "yyyy MMMM", // S is a sortable format that does not vary by culture S: "yyyy\u0027-\u0027MM\u0027-\u0027dd\u0027T\u0027HH\u0027:\u0027mm\u0027:\u0027ss", // formatting of dates in MySQL DataBases ISO: "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss", d1: "dd.MM.yyyy", d2: "dd-MM-yyyy" }, percentsymbol: "%", currencysymbol: "$", currencysymbolposition: "before", decimalseparator: '.', thousandsseparator: ',' } The last parameter is optional, too. It allows you to pass an array of records to the method. By default, the method aggregates the data loaded via the data adapter. Code examplevar data = generatedata(200);var source ={ localdata: data, datatype: "array", datafields: [ { name: 'firstname', type: 'string' }, { name: 'lastname', type: 'string' }, { name: 'productname', type: 'string' }, { name: 'available', type: 'bool' }, { name: 'quantity', type: 'number' }, { name: 'price', type: 'number' } ], updaterow: function (rowid, rowdata) { // synchronize with the server - send update command }};var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source);dataAdapter.dataBind();var aggregate = dataAdapter.getAggregatedData([{ name: 'price', aggregates: ['min', 'max', 'sum', 'avg'], formatStrings: ['c2', 'c2', 'c2', 'c2']}]);var avg = aggregate.price.avg;var min = aggregate.price.min;var max = aggregate.price.max;var sum = aggregate.price.sum; The generatedata function used in the above sample is part of generatedata.js which is in the demos/jqxgrid folder of the download package.
records | Array | [] |
Gets the array of the loaded data records when the data binding is completed. Note: For Async calls, make sure to use "records" in the loadComplete callback function. |