
Name Description
browser Returns information about the Browser.
device Returns information about the Device.
document Returns information about the document.
destroy Destroys the plug-in.
resize Callback function or functions called when the browser's window is resized.
isHidden Checks whether a HTML Element is hidden.
inViewPort Checks whether a HTML Element is in the view port.
os Returns information about the OS.
pointerDown Event handler for mouse and touch events that works across browsers. "pointerDown" automatically handles the "mousedown", "MSPointerDown" and "touchstart" events on an element and calls a callback function with 3 parameters(original event, pointer position and pointer type).
pointerMove Event handler for mouse and touch events that works across browsers. "pointerMove" automatically handles the "mousemove", "MSPointerMove" and "touchmove" events on an element and calls a callback function with 3 parameters(original event, pointer position and pointer type).
pointerUp Event handler for mouse and touch events that works across browsers. "pointerUp" automatically handles the "mouseup", "MSPointerUp" and "touchend" events on an element and calls a callback function with 3 parameters(original event, pointer position and pointer type).
refresh Refreshes the plug-in properties.
responsive Responsive Grid System.
scroll Returns information about the Scrollbars position.
viewPort Returns information about the view port.